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Auto Services > Air Conditioning

Air Conditioner Maintenance and Defogger Service in Winnipeg

Not only do we want your vehicle to run smoothly, we want you to feel comfortable while you drive it. Winnipeg has an extreme climate that gets warm in the summer and very cold in the winter. At Erickson Motors, we offer air conditioner repairs (and defrost service) to keep you comfortable in any conditions. To ensure that your car or truck’s air conditioner is in full working order, we offer the following services:


Air Conditioning Performance Test - $72.95
This includes a partial AC charge with nitrogen. We perform a gauge pressure test and leak test, and we check the operation of all components and report our results.

Drain, Evacuate & Recharge AC System - $182.95
We drain the old refrigerant, evacuate the system, perform a leak test and restore the AC system to a proper charge level.

Defogger Repairs for Automotive Safety

Your car’s air conditioner is about more than just comfort – it’s also critical for automotive safety. Defrost systems typically require a properly functioning air conditioner to work properly, since the air is dehumidified using the AC. This process will defog your windows when the weather is chilly.

Whether it’s the heat of summer or the chill of winter, it’s important to have your vehicle’s air conditioner in full working order. Contact us today to book an appointment for a performance test or full air conditioner maintenance.

car air conditioning performance test

Expert Auto Team

We’ve got over 60 years of experience in car repairs and maintenance

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