Auto Services > Fuel Injection
Winnipeg Fuel Injection Service: Car & Truck Fuel System Cleaning
In order to keep your engine running smoothly and cleanly, come to Winnipeg’s Erickson Motors for fuel injection service. We’ll clean out the grime and carbon deposits that clog up your vehicle’s fuel system. This service can save you money in the long run by preventing the need for major repairs down the line. You’ll also enjoy advantages, such as:
Reduced chance of breakdowns
Cleaner, less polluting performance
Fuel economy
Improved engine efficiency
How Often Should You Get Fuel Injection Service?
Fuel injection cleaning is recommended every 60,000 km. It can be done at the same time as other auto maintenance services like tire oil changes and tire rotation. Contact Erickson Motors to book an appointment and improve the lifespan and performance of your car or truck.